Where style meets sustainability

Made by women for women

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Our Values

Our Values

At Lore of the Sea, our commitment to a small carbon footprintextends far beyond just words. We believe in creating fashion that's not only ethical and slow-paced but also connected to our love for the environment.Our mission is to provide you with surf wear that makes you feel both comfortable and confident, without compromising on quality or sustainability.

As a women-run, independent small business, we value slow fashion and community.All our patterns are designed in-house by the founder and each collection is released in limited edition.

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Fabric Focus

Fabric Focus

Our fabrics are created from recycled yarn sourced from industrial waste.

All swimwear fabrics are of high quality, resistant to sunlight, salt, and chlorine. To ensure full sun protection of your skin we only use rated UPF 50+ fabrics. Our unique printed fabrics are printed digitally in the most sustainable way, using low ink, 50% less power, 95% less water waste & 60% less water consumption..

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Sustainability isn't just a buzzword for us—it's a guiding principle that informs every decision we make, including the selection of our packaging materials.

At Lore of the Sea, we recognize that packaging plays a significant role in our business operations. However, we are committed to minimizing our environmental impact to the fullest extent possible and made a conscious decision to avoid contributing to the single-use plastic pollution crisis.

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